Night shooting in Bílé Karpaty in autumn

It has been more than six years since I first visited Bílé Karpaty, a small mountain range marking the borderline between the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This area has a unique look where woods and meadows are not strictly defined: there is a mosaic of lone trees, groves, grasslands, and forests.

No wonder it is one of the richest ecosystems in central Europe: for instance, more than half of the butterfly species of Czechia dwell there. Walking in the early morning, you meet herds of deers, moufflons; if you are lucky, you can spot even lynx. And not to forget birds, beetles, etc.

For centuries, the area was continuously cultivated and people found the balance for peaceful coexistence with nature. Today, the entire mountain range is protected as CHKO Bílé Karpaty, and many precious areas received even more strict protection status, e.g. Čertoryje, Zahrady pod Hájem, Jazevčí, Búrová, Machová, Porážky, Dolnoněmčanské louky, Bahulské jamy, and many others.

My last visit to Bílé Karpaty was in mid-autumn when all the deciduous trees were full of colors. The weather was heaven-like for a photographer: days full of heavy clouds, sunrises & sunsets with a well-balanced sky, and cloudless nights with enough light to take pictures without a need for external light.

Please enjoy this new photo series from Bílé Karpaty.