Kyrgyzstan - Tian Shan mountains in photography

The Tian Shan is a mountain range in Central Asia. The main part is located in Kyrgyzstan and China, with minor sections placed within Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Tian Shan meaning

The Tian Shan (sometimes called Tengir-Too or Tengri Tagh; Тянь-Шань in Russian) means Mountains of Heaven or Heavenly Mountain. It is one of the highest mountain ranges in the whole world. With peaks reaching more than 7000 meters above sea level, it literally touches heaven. The highest point, Jengish Chokusu (Russian name Pik Pobedy, Пик Победы), has impressive 7,439 meters. It is located on the Kyrgyz-Chinese border.

Nature and animals

Untouched valleys and deep forests are home to many unique species. The most endangered are Siberian ibex, mountain sheep, or snow leopard.

A significant threat to nature is relics from uranium mining during 20. century. Many pits contain deposits of radioactive material that can be flooded out at any time because of poor securing.

Climate and climate change threat

The Tian Shan has an alpine climate with many glaciers. During the summer, melting glaciers supply dry valleys with fresh water.

Climate change affects the Tian Shan more than other places. While the decrease of glaciers since 1961 is 7% on the global average, Tian Shan lost more than 27% of its ice coverage. This development impacts nature on a large scale. It also threatens farmers in valleys dependent on the water regime.

Tian Shan photogallery